Welcome to the second instalment of our two-part blog focusing on our wildflower consultancy services, where we chat to Peter King, Associate Director of Facilities (CBRE) at Milton Park.
A recent wildflower consultancy project for us, Milton Park is a 250-acre science, business and technology park in Oxfordshire.
Our consultancy team recently conducted a site visit to assess and evaluate the Park’s wildflower areas. We provided a number of recommendations to improve the Park’s wildflower management strategy to ensure long-term success.

Following our consultation, we sat down with Peter King, Associate Director of Facilities (CBRE) at Milton Park. Peter has done a lot of work to develop the biodiversity at Milton Park and has had some fantastic results. Our visit aimed to gain further insight into how our input has helped to transform the way Milton Park’s wildflower spaces are managed.
“Peter, did you find the consultancy useful?”
“The Wildflower Turf consultancy visits have been invaluable and allowed us to discuss, on site, the specific issues and challenges we had. Using James’s in-depth knowledge in conjunction with our landscape maintenance provider (Nurture Landscapes) provided a detailed and pragmatic approach to the wildflower areas across the estate.”
“Has it helped improve the objectives you set out to achieve by investing in the consultancy/visit?”
“Absolutely. The visit created a site-specific plan and a detailed list of recommendations to help us achieve our long-term objectives and create sustainable landscapes for our occupiers to enjoy.”
“Has investing in consultancy helped save money in the longer term?”
“The visit focused our maintenance plan and, as such, gave us some efficiencies we hadn’t previously considered. An example being recommendations around equipment to use, cutting regimes, timings, and treatments such as graminicide.”
“Did the consultancy help identify any issues and provide a successful & practical solution?”
“Being able to discuss specific issues with James and his team created lots of discussion points and feedback based upon the experience of the Wildflower Turf team. One particular example was the management of the newly installed meadows and how to reduce the impact of grasses taking over and suffocating the meadow. It was advised that we use Graminicide as a treatment and this has proved really successful and is cost effective.”
“Did the consultancy give you confidence to make decisions on your wildflower management plans for the future?”
“Without doubt the visits have given us the practical knowledge to implement a management plan across the estate. James and the team were friendly and approachable throughout the process and genuinely interested in helping us achieves our objectives. I would highly recommend the consultancy services to anyone wanting to implement or continue the management of wildflower areas.”

If consultancy is something that you may feel would be beneficial, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We can support your project with pre site evaluations, ongoing project support, post installation assessments or your BNG application.
In addition, our dedicated research facilities also provide a range of technical services.
Our consultants aim to support you by:
- mitigating project risk
- maximizing value and reducing costs
- validating decisions through documented assessment
- supporting & delivering project timelines
- practical maintenance solutions for long term success
- managing & meeting stakeholder expectations
Contact us today (wildflower@wildflowerturf.co.uk) to learn more.