Rewild Your World

We recently came across a wonderful animation, produced by an innovative UK-based business, Wildflower Favours.

This must-see video emphasises the importance of our pollinators and is narrated by BBC2’s Springwatch presenter, Megan McCubbin.

Not unlike ourselves, Wildflower Favours is passionate about spreading the word about wildflowers, and their importance to biodiversity, far and wide and this excellent video is part of their contribution to the cause.

Wildflower Favours worked with Fire Lily Studio to create a short animation detailing how pollinators can be helped. The hope is that the film will inspire people to embrace wildflowers and ditch their pristine green lawn (or at least part of it).


We are very grateful to Wildflower Favours for allowing us to share this excellent video resource – do take a few minutes to view it and please spread the word on social media using the #rewildyourworld hashtag!

You can also connect with Wildflower Favours via Facebook, Instagram and do also check out their excellent blog.