…something beginning with ‘W’.
Wildflower Turf to be precise! In July we were approached by Paul Hermon from Green & Gorgeous who’s brief was to supply and install a mature meadow for a site in Somerset, which needed to be around 260m². It needed to be mature due to the fact that it was needed for filming.
During the summer months we always hold back some of our Wildflower Turf so that it has the opportunity to become more mature. We hold mature stock right up until the autumn when we would then need to mow it, so that it is ready for the winter. This is because we have supplied our mature turf for filming projects in the past, as well as many of the prestigious flower shows, and its roots will establish quite quickly once installed, if your project requires it to. Logistically with the mature turf it would need to be delivered flat on an artic lorry, to avoid squashing or breaking the stems.
So what exactly was the filming for?
In a nutshell it was…