A Wildflower Garden Case Study
Location: Bedfordshire
Product used: Native Enriched Wildflower Tur®, Low Grow Wildflower Turf®, Native Enriched Meadowscape Pro™ & Max Flora MeadowSow™ Seed
Project Size: 240m²
Project Overview
On a quest to deepen their wildflower knowledge, Howard and Jan Browning from Gardens and Plants decided to install four distinct wildflower meadow areas in their back garden. Using a variety of mixes from Wildflower Turf Ltd’s product ranges including Wildflower Turf®, Meadowscape Pro™, and MeadowSow, they created beautiful, biodiverse meadows.
As one of our Accredited Partners, Howard and Jan Browning sought to deepen their knowledge of Wildflower Turf Ltd’s products. They wanted to assess how these products develop, vary, and are affected by different weather conditions. This firsthand experience would enable them to provide more efficient and informed advice to their clients whilst enjoying wildflower meadows in their garden.
In order to gain a comprehensive understanding of Wildflower Turf Ltd products, the Browning’s used a variety of mixes adding annuals, perennials, low growing turf and wildflower seed. The following four areas were installed:
- 40m² Native Enriched Wildflower Tur®: Our Native Enriched turf provided a ‘cottage garden’ feel for this area with a mix of native and naturalised species including some colourful annuals.
- 40m² Low Grow Wildflower Turf®: This area featured a low-growing, scented Wildflower Turf®, reaching a maximum height of 50cm.
- 80m² Native Enriched Meadowscape Pro™: Meadowscape Pro was used in this area, our pre-seeded growing medium that offers quicker establishment than regular seeding methods.
- 80m² Max Flora MeadowSow Seed: This area was sown with a mix of perennial and annual wildflower seeds for a high impact colourful display of wildflowers.
The Results
Throughout the growing season, the Browning’s carefully monitored the growth, development, and performance of the wildflowers in each area. Their efforts were rewarded with thriving meadows which not only showcased the adaptability of wildflowers but all served as a vital haven for pollinators.
Bees and butterflies were frequent visitors, highlighting the meadow’s crucial role in supporting biodiversity. The low-maintenance nature of the meadows allowed the Browning’s to enjoy their garden without excessive upkeep. The appearance of the meadows changed throughout the year, with different species blooming at different times. This provided a constant source of interest and beauty.
“Wildflower Turf Ltd is our first choice for all wildflower related products. We have attended a number of courses at Ashe Warren Farm and installed several wildflower meadows for customers. The highly skilled staff, along with the brilliant resource hub, has made purchasing easy and we always feel confident in the after sales support.” – Howard & Jan Browning
The Browning’s’ experiment provided valuable insights into the performance of different wildflower products and their suitability for various garden settings. Their firsthand experience allowed them to gain a deeper understanding of the factors influencing wildflower growth and development, ultimately enhancing their ability to provide informed advice to their clients.
By carefully planning and monitoring their wildflower garden, the Browning’s were able to create a beautiful and ecologically valuable space that not only enhanced their own property but also contributed to the local ecosystem. Their experiment serves as a valuable example for others who are interested in incorporating wildflowers into their own gardens.
Photo Credits: Howard & Jan Browning