The Hive, Kew Gardens

The Hive, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew Gardens 


Location: Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, London

Product used: Landscape 34 Wildflower Tur®

Project Size: 2,270m²

Project Overview 

Nestled within the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew, the ‘Hive’ is a striking installation that serves as a powerful symbol of the urgent need to protect bee populations. Created in 2016 as a visual tribute to Britain’s honeybees, this 17-meter-high aluminium structure stands amidst a wildflower meadow, offering visitors an immersive experience into the lives of these vital pollinators. The Hive aims to recreate life inside a beehive and celebrates the environment real bees need to thrive. Designed by UK based artist Wolfgang Buttress, the Hive installation’s mesh frame was constructed from 170,000 aluminium parts and a thousand LED lights, taking four months to construct. The LED lights glow in accordance with the vibrations of bees that live within Kew Gardens.

Today, this contemporary piece of art has become one of the most unique and photographed spots at Kew Gardens. Wildflower Turf Ltd grew and supplied Wildflower Turf® that surrounds the installation.  Working closely alongside Tony Kirkham, Head of Arboretum and Horticultural Services at Kew, and other members of the Kew team, Wildflower Turf Ltd supplied 2,270m² of Wildflower Tur® to the Hive at Kew Gardens. Winning a Landscape Institute Award for its immersive impact in 2016, the Hive continues to stand tall as a striking symbol of the challenges facing bees today.

The primary objective of the wildflower meadow installation was to create a captivating and enriching experience for visitors which showcased the habitats in which bees need for survival. To achieve this, a diverse range of wildflower species was carefully selected. Our Landscape 34 Wildflower Turf® was used for the outer areas of the meadow providing a subtle palette of colours, reminiscent of a traditional hay meadow. Closer to the hive structure, a more vibrant blend of annuals and perennials, aptly described by Tony Kirkham as ‘Wildflower Bling’, was employed.


“Installing The Hive into the gardens at Kew has been another extraordinary project to be involved in which will attract many visitors over the next few years. The wild flower meadows surrounding the Hive needed to be exemplary, which is why we have chosen to use a well-known supplier, Wildflower Turf Ltd. Their knowledge and expertise meant that we were confident in creating an established landscape that fulfilled the vision and provided a reliable, instant effect with ‘Wild flower Bling’ for pollinating insects. We hope that this stunning meadow helps convey the importance of wild flowers in our landscapes, gardens and urban spaces for our pollinators. Wildflower Turf Ltd prove that creating a meadow is not just for the preserve of experts but anyone can establish an area of wild flowers using pioneering Wildflower Turf® products.” – Tony Kirkham Head of Arboretum and Horticultural Servies at Kew.


The wildflower meadow at the Hive installation complements and strengthens the core message of the Hive, the importance of bees and their fragility. The Hive has proven to be an extraordinary success for the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. The immersive experience it offers has been instrumental in increasing visitor numbers to the gardens by 40% (as of 2016). Wildflower Turf Ltd is proud to have contributed to this project and encourage every to visit and experience the magic of the Hive firsthand!

Photo Credits: Tony Kirkham