
Our consultancy offers several options for ensuring long term success of wildflower installations

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Projects involving Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG), Solar, Green Roofs or any high value project will benefit from early advice on the practicalities of planning, establishment, handover and long-term maintenance, verifying products meet specifications and objectives for wildflower habitat creation. We can also ensure the installation and maintenance contractor understands specification, product and maintenance requirements at any stage of the project. This is particularly valuable at site handover, in advance of maintenance work or where contracts and/or contractors change during the lifetime of the project.

Stuart Ball

Senior Consultant

Stuart joined Wildflower Turf Ltd in January 2024. He has over 11 years’ experience of managing a UK native wildflower seed business and a love of all things wildflower, meaning he is well-placed to advise on projects of all types and sizes. During his career, Stuart has made recommendations for meadow creation and wildflower areas, to clients across multiple sectors, including both domestic and commercial sectors.


consultancy james

James Hewetson-Brown

Managing Director

James Hewetson-Brown founded Wildflower Turf in 2003. With 20 years expertise in high quality lawn turf production, he wanted to find a solution to the problems faced by the landscape industry when growing wild flowers from seed. He went on to create the UK’s first, soil-less growing system for wildflowers to meet the demand for superior quality, ready-made wildflower meadows without the establishment problems associated with traditional seeding methods.

Our consultancy services enable you to deliver the most cost-effective implementation of wildflower spaces even when budgets are tight or budgets are reducing during the project implementation. Site visits available. Minimise your risk with a pre-site evaluation.

With over 20 years of experience, we hold a wealth of expertise in all things wildflower and our knowledgeable team provides consultancy to a wide variety of professionals, organisations and Councils within the landscaping and built environment industry. From site visits, to laboratory tests, to pre site evaluations, or support with BNG requirements, we can help.


Consultancy Services:


SSC – Senior Site Consultancy – £850 per day (+ travel & any accommodation costs)

Day rate discounted by 20% for Accredited Partners (£680 per day)

Site visit(s) conducted by our most senior consultants followed by a written report highlighting key outlines and recommendations. Useful for very large-scale projects (1,000m2 or larger) or projects where Wildflowers may have failed in some way, regardless of if you have used WFT branded products or not. Soil samples are collected, and tested if purchasing the research support package.

PSE – Pre-Site Evaluation – £600 per day (+ travel & any accommodation costs)

Day rate discounted by 20% for Accredited Partners (£480 per day)

Mitigate your risk and book a PSE. Ideal for mid-sized projects that would benefit from a pre-site evaluation before further investment or works begin. Hugely advantageous to developers and commercial projects. Written evaluation of the site is issued, giving recommendations. Soil samples are collected, and tested if purchasing the research support package.

RSP – Research Support Package – £750 per day (work completed in R&D lab)

Day rate discounted by 20% for Accredited Partners (£600 per day)

Bespoke research work & testing conducted in our fully equipped state of the art laboratory or purpose built polytunnel based on project outcomes. Accompanied by a written report from our in-house R&D team. Tests available*:

  • Seed analysis (such as germination testing, purity testing, seed viability etc)
  • Soil testing
  • Quadrant Survey (In line with BNG)
  • Species Identification (In line with BNG)

*Maximum of 3x tests included in the package. Additional charge of £250 per test & report if more than 3x tests/reports are required.


RCM – Remote Consultancy Meeting – £110 per hour (completed via phone or video)

Day rate discounted by 20% for Accredited Partners (£88 per hour)

All consultants are available for pre-booked video and/or telephone meetings charged at an hourly rate.


Any travel costs are charged at £0.45 per mile from our head office in Basingstoke, Hampshire RG25 3AW.


All prices exclude VAT

Contact us today to find out more about our Consultancy

Green Roof Project of the Year

Blog: Wildflower Expertise Supports Magnificent Milton Park

Welcome to the second instalment of our two-part blog focusing on our wildflower consultancy services, where we chat to Peter King, Associate Director of Facilities (CBRE) at Milton Park.


A recent wildflower consultancy project for us, Milton Park is a 250-acre science, business and technology park in Oxfordshire.

Our consultancy team recently conducted a site visit to assess and evaluate the Park’s wildflower areas. We provided a number of recommendations to improve the Park’s wildflower management strategy to ensure long-term success.
