Vibrant Spring Scatter Mix

This mix has been specifically chosen for the fabulous colour combination to bring wildflower borders to life earlier in the year.

We believe this mix will be particularly useful if you are creating an area that frames a lawn or is in an area of public use. This lovely selection of bulbs has been chosen with consideration to their height, colour and flowering time to provide impact and drama and are a perfect accompaniment to our Wildflower Landscape Turf and Native Enriched Turf. Tulips, narcissi and crocus are bold choices but never disappoint with their instant cheer.

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Bristol Glassfields Consultancy

Blog: Mitigating Floods & Enhancing Biodiversity: The Power of SuDS & Wildflowers

Mitigating Floods & Enhancing Biodiversity: The Power of SuDS & Wildflowers

Flooding is a growing concern across the UK, exacerbated by increasingly unpredictable weather patterns due to climate change. The Environment Agency (EA) estimated that in 2022-23, approximately 5.7 million properties in England alone were at risk of flooding. According to the Financial Times (2024), the last few years have been the wettest since records began in 1836! The need for sustainable flood management solutions has never…