Bees and Butterflies Summer Bulbs Mix

The bulbs have been selected specifically for their appeal to both bees & butterflies and is a wonderful top up within a wildflower nectar bar during the summer months.

This colourful bulb mix works beautifully with both the more subtle native wildflower Landscape 34 wildflower mixes or our more colourful Native Enriched wildflower mix.

This selection of bulbs flower May – August and all will grow to a substantial height that sees their flowers at the same level or slightly above the main flowering layer of the turf at that time. The tall straight stems provide an interesting structural perspective against the wispier nature of the wildflowers and provides a lovely design juxtaposition for artistic landscapes.

This selection of bulbs will also work in conjunction with the Spring mixes and ideally you could lay both types together for a succession of structure & colour.



1 x bag contains 160 bulbs (covers approx 5m²)

1 x crate contains 1550 bulbs (covers approx. 50m²)


Species included:

Dutch Garlic (Allium purple Sensation) / Flowering: May / 80cm

Sicilian Honey Garlic (Nectaroscordum siculum) / Flowering: May – June / 80cm

Star of Bethlehem (Ornithogalum moskou) / Flowering: May- June / 60 – 80cm

Gladioli (Gladiolus byzantinus) / Flowering: May- June / 50 – 60cm

Black Garlic (Allium nigrum) / Flowering: June – July / 80cm

Round Headed Garlic (Allium sphaerocephalon)/ Flowering: June – August / Height: 80 – 90cm

Product Code:


Key Product Points

  • Established height: 50cm - 90cm
  • Colours: Purple, Pink, White
  • Flowering period: May to August

Typical Applications:

  • Wildflower Turf (when installing)
  • Meadowscape Pro
  • MeadowSow
  • Within existing wildflower areas

Blog: The Year of the Grasses: Why It’s Happening and How to Manage It

Meadows are a type of grassland habitat, so by definition they should contain a good proportion of grasses. Grasses are fundamental to the health of these habitats. Grasses play a vital role in offering structural support, texture, and ecological balance. They also support biodiversity, providing food and habitats for numerous species, including birds, insects and mammals. Grasses however in the right environment will naturally colonise and can overpower slower growing wildflowers.

If grasses become too dominant they will prevent the…

Species Mix


  • Dutch Garlic Allium purple Sensation
  • Sicilian Honey Garlic Nectaroscordum siculum
  • Star of Bethlehem Ornithogalum moskou
  • Gladioli Gladiolus byzantinus
  • Black Garlic Allium nigrum
  • Round Headed Garlic Allium sphaerocephalon


We have a structured range of prices for both retail and trade enquiries based on the type of product and quantity. Please contact us for a quotation.

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