Naturalising Spring Bulbs Mix

This mix has been specifically chosen to mirror the classic naturalised spring bulbs that are seen up & down the country.

With a mix of Scilla, Chionodoxa, Crocus, Fritillary & Narcissi, the colour palette is ‘Cool Spring’, with a mix of creams, pale blues & purples and works particularly well with our Landscape 34 or our Shade Tolerant wildflower mixes.

The bulbs will provide flowers from February – May and are suitable for sunny or part shaded areas.



1 x bag contains 250 bulbs (covers approx 8m²)

1 x crate contains 2000 bulbs (covers approx. 65m²)


Species included:

Crocus Harleem mix (Jeanne darc, Flower record, Pickwick & Grand maitre) / Flowering: Feb-March / 10-15cm

Misczenko Squill (Scilla mischtschenkoana) / Flowering: March / 10-20cm

Glory of the Snow mix (Chionodoxa luciliae, Chionodoxa luciliae alba and Chinodoxa violet beauty)/ Flowering: March – April / 10 – 15cm

Russian Snowdrop (Puschkinia libanotica) / Flowering: March – April / 10 – 20cm

Wild Daffodil (Pseudonarcissus) / Flowering: April / 30-40 cm

Snake’s Head Fritillary (Fritillaria meleagris) / Flowering: April – May / Height: 10 – 20cm

English Bluebells (Hyacinthoides non-scripta) / Flowering: April – May / Height: 15 – 30cm

Product Code:


Key Product Points

  • Established height: 10cm - 40cm
  • Colours: Purple, Blue, White, Yellow
  • Flowering period: February to May

Typical Applications:

  • Wildflower Turf (when installing)
  • Meadowscape Pro
  • MeadowSow
  • Within existing wildflower areas

Science & Technology Park Milton Park Consultancy

Blog: The Year of the Grasses: Why It’s Happening and How to Manage It

Meadows are a type of grassland habitat, so by definition they should contain a good proportion of grasses. Grasses are fundamental to the health of these habitats. Grasses play a vital role in offering structural support, texture, and ecological balance. They also support biodiversity, providing food and habitats for numerous species, including birds, insects and mammals. Grasses however in the right environment will naturally colonise and can overpower slower growing wildflowers.

If grasses become too dominant they will prevent the…

Species Mix


  • Dutch Garlic Allium purple Sensation
  • Sicilian Honey Garlic Nectaroscordum siculum
  • Star of Bethlehem Ornithogalum moskou
  • Gladioli Gladiolus byzantinus
  • Black Garlic Allium nigrum
  • Round Headed Garlic Allium sphaerocephalon


We have a structured range of prices for both retail and trade enquiries based on the type of product and quantity. Please contact us for a quotation.

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