Optimum incubation
Rigorously tested
Optimum moisture
Optimum pH level
Stable temperature

A solution crafted to address the critical decline of bee populations. With predominantly blue- or purple-coloured flowers, preferred by bees due to their high volume of nectar production, this enhancer not only supports pollinator populations but also adds vibrant hues to any landscape.

Find out more or get a quote today.

Product Code: ENC-Bee

Enhance Bees Product Image 2

Species Selection:

This enhancer includes six species, each carefully selected to provide an abundant source of nectar and pollen for honeybees, bumble bees, and solitary bees.

Species included are:

Field Forget-Me-Not (Myosotis arvensis)
Marjoram (Origanum vulgare)
Sainfoin (Onobrychis vicifolia)
Field Scabious (Knautia arvensis)
Self-heal (Prunella vulgaris)
Vipers Bugloss (Echium vulgare)

Read or download more information by clicking below:

Species Information

Ecological Impact:

In a world where bees are essential pollinators responsible for 35% of crop pollination, safeguarding their habitats is paramount. With 35 UK bee species facing threats of extinction, Enhance Bees aims to combat habitat loss, offering a lifeline to these invaluable creatures and safeguarding global food supplies.

About the Substrate

This revolutionary wildflower substrate isn’t your average soil. It’s been scientifically engineered and rigorously tested to be the perfect incubator for the wildflower seeds. Compared to traditional methods, this translates to a dramatically improved germination process, giving your wildflowers a head start and a fighting chance to thrive.

Our unique, 100% natural and peat-free formula slashes the full establishment time from years for traditional seeding, to just 3-18 months, depending on sowing season.

The secret lies in Hydropor™, our proprietary ingredient. It acts like a tiny sponge, ensuring seeds efficiently absorb water – the key to kickstarting germination. But it doesn’t stop there. This substrate is designed to maintain the perfect balance of pH and temperature, further optimizing seed growth.

And once your seeds sprout? The nutrient-rich formula in our substrate fuels strong root development and supports vibrant shoot growth, giving the wildflower the best start possible.

Installation Guide

Recommended installation in Autumn or Spring.

1. Prepare the Area: Cut existing vegetation, not exceeding 25mm, and remove cuttings.

2. Rake the Soil: Use a rake to expose some soil, where you’ll install the product.

3. Apply the Product: Spread the product to a minimum depth of 15mm either evenly across your designated space or in patches, each roughly 10-20cm in diameter, 30 cm apart from each other.

4. Ensure Contact: Roll or trample the product to ensure good contact with the soil.

5. Water if needed: If no rain is forecast, water the product to help it settle in.

6. Recycle: Recycle the bag at your nearest recycling facility.

Allow 3 – 18 months until flowers are fully established.

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