MeadowSow™ SuDS

This wildflower seed mix has been designed by our research and development department, using our experience with the installation of wildflowers in Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems within the UK and liaising with Landscape and Ecology professionals.

The species selected, have been chosen to assist in the breakup of pan or soil compaction for maximum water dispersal, whilst remaining established in times of drought or periodic flooding. This solution remains aesthetically and environmentally pleasing, introducing improved biodiversity with very low maintenance required.

All seeds are of UK provenance.

SuDs is also available in our Wildflower Turf® product range.


The Details:

Approximately 37 UK provenance wildflowers.

Ratio is 50% Flora, 50% non-invasive grasses (as sown*).


BNG UKHab Classification:

This mix can be used to create:

> A lowland calcareous grassland, UK Hab g2a (19 of the indicator species), or

> A lowland meadow, UK Hab g3a (16 indicator species included).

Product Code:


Key Product Points

  • 100% UK Native wildflowers
  • Established height: 30cm - 75cm
  • Colours: Yellow, Red, White, Pink, Purple
  • Flowering period: April to October
  • Contact our team for the recommended sowing rate
  • Suitable for all sustainable urban drainage systems and bioswale applications.
  • Suitable for periodic flooding and assists in flood water dispersal.

Typical Applications:

  • Sustainable urban drainage systems
  • Bioswale applications

Portsmouth University SuDS Research

Blog: The Benefits of Species-Rich Lawns: A Natural Alternative

Tired of the monotonous green of a traditional lawn? Consider a Species-Rich lawn – a diverse and vibrant alternative that offers numerous environmental and aesthetic benefits.

What is a Species-Rich Lawn?

Unlike a standard lawn dominated by a single grass species, a Species-Rich lawn is a diverse ecosystem comprising a variety of grasses, wildflowers, and other herbaceous plants. This diversity creates a thriving habitat for a wide range of wildlife, including pollinators like bees and butterflies, and beneficial insects.

Why Choose Species-Rich?

Species Mix


  • Examples of the 37+ species included:
  • Birdsfoot Trefoil
  • Bladder Campion
  • Field Scabious
  • Greater Knapweed
  • Marjoram
  • Meadow Buttercup
  • Meadowsweet
  • Red Campion
  • Ribwort Plantain
  • Rough Hawkbit
  • Wild Carrot
  • Yellow Rattle


We have a structured range of prices for both retail and trade enquiries based on the type of product and quantity. Please contact us for a quotation.

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