Meadowscape Pro™ Shade Tolerant

Enriched with Hydropor™, the specially developed formula supports good water percolation and retention, stabilising the growing medium for much better seed germination compared to more conventional direct seeding.

Meadowscape Pro™ allows land owners, developers and managers to create dynamic and biodiverse wild flower spaces in a range of settings with very little ground preparation.

Product Code:

Meadowscape Pro-Shade-41

Key Product Points

  • An all UK native perennial wild flower mix suitable for a wide range of soil types
  • Designed to perform well around trees and lightly shaded areas as well as open meadow sites
  • It is made up of over 30 species of UK native flowers (100% wild flowers, no grass)
  • Can be used in all ground landscaping applications from 40m² to over 10,000m²
  • Shade and drought tolerant - our hardest mix
  • Low maintenance - one to two cuts and clearance per year

Typical Applications:

  • Large sites where there is access to irrigation but instant plant coverage is not required
  • Sites where access for ground preparation is restricted or the soil type limits conventional seed bed preparation
  • Areas with low incline (not steep slopes)
  • Areas with lower historical weed burdens or lower risk of potential weed ingression

1,382m² Wildflower Roof for Prestigious Hotel

Blog: Mitigating Floods & Enhancing Biodiversity: The Power of SuDS & Wildflowers

Mitigating Floods & Enhancing Biodiversity: The Power of SuDS & Wildflowers

Flooding is a growing concern across the UK, exacerbated by increasingly unpredictable weather patterns due to climate change. The Environment Agency (EA) estimated that in 2022-23, approximately 5.7 million properties in England alone were at risk of flooding. According to the Financial Times (2024), the last few years have been the wettest since records began in 1836! The need for sustainable flood management solutions has never…


We have a structured range of prices for both retail and trade enquiries based on the type of product and quantity. Please contact us for a quotation.

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