Our Spring 2022 training date is now oversubscribed but we are hosting another dedicated day for Councils-only in September 2022.
Scheduled for Thursday, 22nd September, the day will be held at our Hampshire production site near Basingstoke (RG25 3AW).
So, what can you expect from a training day?
The day itself runs from 9:30am – 4:00pm and starts with an introduction to wildflowers, a discussion as to the benefits of wildflowers, and we will also advise on the different methods of creating wildflower spaces.
This will be followed by a site assessment and an outside tour of our turf beds, showcasing our pioneering soil-less growing system before a visit to our R&D Department & Testing Laboratory, managed and run by Dr Janine Robinson. We will discuss technical aspects and issues and cover off practical solutions to common problems.
We lay on a delicious buffet lunch and then resume the day inside with PowerPoint presentations and a hands-on troubleshooting workshop.
The day will conclude with a live demonstration of how to install MeadowScape Pro™, a demonstration of a maintenance cut & remove and, finally, a Q&A session with our Turf Production team. It is a jam-packed day full of information and group interactivity with limitless tea/coffee/biscuits/cake to keep you going throughout the various sessions!
If you would like to join us in September, then please do get in touch. Spaces are limited and, as usual, we expect places to disappear very quickly so don’t delay!
Give us a call on 01256 771 222 or email Stephanie to book: stephanie@wildflowerturf.co.uk.