
We offer a wealth of knowledge around all things Wildflower

Wildflower Turf Ltd, the pioneering developers of the soil-less Wildflower Turf® growing system, is proud to announce that it has recently been awarded first prize by the Theatro360 Green Roof Competition in partnership with the Green Roof Organisation (GRO). The award is in recognition of the innovative living roof solution, which was created at the Leeds Skelton Lake Services.

The services, which were completed in 2020, are located at Junction 45 on the M1 and the site is adjacent to Skelton Lake, a 40,000m2 area of ecologically diverse country park, 2 miles south-east of Leeds city centre. To enhance the biodiversity of the area and minimise the visual impact of the development on the natural landscape and local wildlife, the main 5,277m2 amenity building features an over sailing, undulating green roof.

An innovative new concept building design was commissioned by Extra MSA Group for the services, which included an extensive green roof, complete with wildflower turf and sedum planting to enhance the biodiversity of the area as well as providing a significant expanse of native grassland for invertebrate species.

Beyond the ecological benefits, the green roof acts…

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Sustainable roadside management: Integrating wildflower habitats

Hidden in plain sight, road verges are estimated to cover 1.2% of land area in the UK according to a 2021 study by the University of Exeter.  Yet their potential as wildlife habitats is often undervalued and dismissed. Road verges offer a vital of habitat for a number of different species, including wildflowers, animals and many other plant species.

Since the 1930s we have seen a staggering decline in wildflowers and meadows. This loss has disrupted the delicate balance of our ecosystems. Restoring grassland habitats on road verges could be a significant and easy step towards reversing this trend.

But why are verges such valuable habitats and what can wildflowers achieve?

Well, roadside verges offer unique conditions that are perfect for both wildflowers and wildlife. These underutilised spaces often enjoy ample sunlight, essential for plant growth and pollinator activity. Unlike intensively managed farmland or urban areas, verges often provide the undisturbed conditions that many plants and animals need to thrive. Not only do wildflowers provide an aesthetic appeal, but wildflowers provide a vital source of nectar and pollen for a host of pollinators. By restoring wildlife meadows on our verges, we can develop the…

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Wildflower Turf Ltd., the UK’s leading producer of biodiverse Wildflower Turf®, is pleased to announce the appointment of Charlie Davison as its new Head of Sales. Davison brings a wealth of experience in sales leadership and a passion for sustainable landscaping solutions to the role.

Davison’s appointment comes at a time of significant growth and opportunity for Wildflower Turf Ltd, as the demand for sustainable landscaping solutions continues to rise. His expertise will be instrumental in expanding the company’s reach and solidifying its position as a leader in the wildflower turf industry.

“We are delighted to welcome Charlie to Wildflower Turf,” said James Hewetson-Brown, Managing Director of Wildflower Turf Ltd. “His proven track record in sales leadership, combined with his understanding of the landscape industry, makes him the ideal candidate to lead our sales team. We are confident that Charlie’s strategic vision and customer-centric approach will be invaluable as we continue to grow and deliver innovative wildflower solutions to our clients.”

Charlie Davison commented, “I’m excited to join Wildflower Turf at such a pivotal time for the company and the landscape industry. With the introduction of Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) and a growing recognition of wildflowers’ role in enhancing biodiversity, I’m thrilled…

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The UK’s bird populations are facing a crisis. Recent reports released by the UK government revealed a significant decline in bird populations.  Nearly 50% of all bird species in the UK have experienced population decline in just five years. This alarming trend highlights the urgent need for conservation efforts.

While many factors contribute to this decline, one area which is often overlooked is the importance of winter bird feeding. Although seemingly simple, winter bird feeding can have a profound impact on avian populations and broader ecosystems.

The Critical Role of Winter Bird Feeding

As temperatures drop, birds struggle to find sufficient natural food sources to meet their energy needs for survival, migration, and staying warm. By offering additional sustenance, we can help them weather the harsh winter months and contribute to their long-term health and abundance.

Food Scarcity: Harsh winter conditions can deplete natural food sources such as insects, fruits and seeds. Bird feeders provide a vital supplement, ensuring that birds have the energy and nutrients they need to survive. If you leave a wildflower meadow uncut over the winter period, this too can provide a food source in the Autumn months.

Energy Boost: Birds require extra calories during the colder months…

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Tired of the monotonous green of a traditional lawn? Consider a Species-Rich lawn – a diverse and vibrant alternative that offers numerous environmental and aesthetic benefits.

What is a Species-Rich Lawn?

Unlike a standard lawn dominated by a single grass species, a Species-Rich lawn is a diverse ecosystem comprising a variety of grasses, wildflowers, and other herbaceous plants. This diversity creates a thriving habitat for a wide range of wildlife, including pollinators like bees and butterflies, and beneficial insects.

Why Choose Species-Rich?

Enhanced Biodiversity: Species-rich lawns provide a vital habitat for a wide range of wildlife including pollinators such as bees and butterflies and small mammals. By supporting a variety of wildlife, species-rich lawns contribute to the overall health of the ecosystem. Improved Soil Health: The diverse root systems of species-rich lawns help to create a complex network that helps to improve soil structure. This in turn enhances water retention and nutrient uptake, leading to healthier soil. This dense root systems also helps to prevent soil erosion, especially on slopes. Water Conservation: The deep root systems of many species rich lawns allow them to access water from deeper soil layers, reducing the need for frequent watering. The dense vegetation of a species…

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Mitigating Floods & Enhancing Biodiversity: The Power of SuDS & Wildflowers

Flooding is a growing concern across the UK, exacerbated by increasingly unpredictable weather patterns due to climate change. The Environment Agency (EA) estimated that in 2022-23, approximately 5.7 million properties in England alone were at risk of flooding. According to the Financial Times (2024), the last few years have been the wettest since records began in 1836! The need for sustainable flood management solutions has never been more urgent.

Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SuDS) Wildflower Turf® offers a promising solution to this problem. Not only can they create resilient ecosystems that reduce stormwater runoff, but they also enhance biodiversity. SuDS refers to drainage systems that manage surface water that consider water quantity and quality (flooding and pollution) as well as biodiversity and amenity.

The Role of SuDS Turf & Wildflowers in Water Management

SuDs are designed to tolerate wet conditions and absorb large amounts of water. SuDS mimic natural drainage processes, allowing rainwater to infiltrate into the ground rather than flowing directly into sewers or surface water bodies. This helps to reduce the rate of stormwater runoff which can contribute to flooding during periods of heavy rainfall.

So how do…

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Purity and Germination Testing: Ensuring Quality and Reliability at Wildflower Turf Ltd

At Wildflower Turf Ltd, we’re committed to providing the highest quality wildflower products. To ensure this, we’ve invested in state-of-the-art purity and germination testing processes.



Purity testing involves meticulously examining a sample of seed to determine the percentage of target species present. This is crucial to eliminate contaminants like plant materials and seeds from other species. We use specialised equipment, including sieves and gravity separators, to separate the desired seeds from impurities. Our goal is to achieve a purity level of 98% or higher for all our wildflower crops.



Germination testing is equally important. It involves placing a sample of seed in a controlled environment to assess its viability. We use a growth chamber that stimulates optional conditions for germination, taking into account factors like temperature and light requirement. By understanding the unique needs of each wildflower species, we can ensure that our seed will germinate successfully.



Purity and germination testing are essential for several reasons:

Quality Assurance: They guarantee that our customers receive a product that is free from contaminants and will germinate effectively. Consistency: By regularly testing our seed, we can maintain consistent quality…

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As a Garden Designer or Landscaper, you have a unique opportunity to be a part of the solution by restoring biodiversity – Here’s how.



The UK is facing a habitat and nature crisis. As wildlife populations plummet and natural habitats are lost, the abundance of wildlife has fallen by nearly a third, with more than half of plant species vanishing from their natural habitats. This decline poses a significant threat to the ecological balance and health of our environments.

As a Garden Designer or Landscaper, you have a unique opportunity to be a part of the solution by restoring biodiversity. By incorporating wildlife friendly elements into your designs, you can create beautiful, sustainable spaces that support local ecosystems.

In this blog, we’ll explore the causes of the habitat and nature crisis and discuss practical steps you can take to make a positive impact and reverse this decline in biodiversity.


The Causes of the Nature Crisis

Biodiversity provides us with countless benefits, including food, clean air and water. However, unfortunately biodiversity has been declining at an alarming rate. This nature crisis is driven by several key causes including:

Habitat loss: Urbanisation, agriculture, and…

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As the leaves start to fall and your meadow starts to brown, it’s time to give your meadow a little TLC! Wildflower meadows, whilst low maintenance, require some attention each Autumn. The annual Autumn maintenance cut is due between mid-September and early

This essential cut ensures your meadows health and allows time for it to recover before the winter frosts set in.  As part of our extensive Research and Development undertaking, Wildflower Turf Ltd have focused on different cutting and removal regimes for wildflower meadows to better understand the impact on growth, health and species diversity. In this blog, we’ll share our best practices for maintaining your meadow and ensuring its health and longevity!

Whether or not you have done a Chelsea Chop or other maintenance cuts earlier in the year, the Autumn maintenance cut is always essential. Not only does the cut tidy up the area for the Winter, but it also prevents the decaying summer growth from smothering emerging plants and adding fertility back into the soil.

So here’s how it’s done!


1. First cut back your meadow using a hedge trimmer, strimmer or a mower. Cut down the whole area to 2-5cm.

2. Clear all of the cuttings for better sunlight…

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Meadows are a type of grassland habitat, so by definition they should contain a good proportion of grasses. Grasses are fundamental to the health of these habitats. Grasses play a vital role in offering structural support, texture, and ecological balance. They also support biodiversity, providing food and habitats for numerous species, including birds, insects and mammals. Grasses however in the right environment will naturally colonise and can overpower slower growing wildflowers.

If grasses become too dominant they will prevent the wildflowers from growing, reducing the diverse ranges of plant life, which is vital for a meadow’s overall health.

2024 truly has been the year of the grasses, presenting many with an unprecedented challenge: grass dominance. So, why has this surge occurred, and what steps can we take to manage it effectively?


Why Are Grasses So Prominent This Year?

In 2023/2024, we have seen cooler temperatures combined with excess rainfall which has created the perfect storm for grass growth. Stafford Council have reportedly experienced “the wettest Winter since 1835”! The excessive rainfall in the past year has created the optimal growing conditions to support the rapid growth and spread of grasses, not only in wildflower areas but habitats across the country.

As grasses…

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