We were delighted to see our Overton headquarters featured on BBC1’s prime-time Escape to the Country when Hawk Conservancy Trust biologist, Dr Matt Stevens, explained the importance of native long grasses in providing the right habitat for small mammals which are a food source for birds of prey.
The show’s presenter Sonali Shah interviewed Matt, who manages the Hawk Conservancy Turst’s Raptor Nest Box Project which includes the monitoring of barn owls living in one of our large outbuildings.
Two baby owlets have been hatched in the nesting box which Matt installed for breeding barn owls more than 10 years ago. As he weighed and ringed (tagged) the young birds, Matt explained how patches of rough grassland harbour small mammals such as voles, which form the most important prey for barn owls.
“If the right habitat is available for the small mammals that barn owls feed on, there is a much better chance of the owls nesting successfully and the species will thrive”. The owner of Wildflower Turf is a big supporter of the Hawk Conservancy Trust’s work and this programme is making a huge impact to conserve endangered bird species in the Hampshire countryside
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