Naturalising Spring Scatter Mix

This mix has been specifically chosen to mirror the classic naturalised spring bulbs that are seen up and down the country.

With a mix of scilla, chionodoxa, fritillary and narcissi, the colour palette is ‘Cool Spring’, with a mix of creams, pale blues and purples and works particularly well with our Landscape Turf and Shade Tolerant Turf. The bulbs will provide flowers from February to late April and are suitable for sunny and part shade areas.

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Blog: Wildflower Turf Ltd celebrates award win for its Skelton Lake Services Green Roof

Wildflower Turf Ltd, the pioneering developers of the soil-less Wildflower Turf® growing system, is proud to announce that it has recently been awarded first prize by the Theatro360 Green Roof Competition in partnership with the Green Roof Organisation (GRO). The award is in recognition of the innovative living roof solution, which was created at the Leeds Skelton Lake Services.

The services, which were completed in 2020, are located at…