MeadowSow™ All Annuals

A 100% mix of 10 UK native and naturalised annual flowers species for highly impactful eye-catching spaces

High impact colour display for eye-catching locations containing species of key importance for pollinators; bees, butterflies, moths.

Product Code:


Key Product Points

  • A 100% mix of 10 UK native and naturalised annual flowers species for highly impactful eye-catching spaces
  • No grasses
  • Suitable for a wide range of soil types
  • Required re-installing each year
  • Containing species of key importance for pollinators; bees, butterfly’s, moths

Typical Applications:

  • Public or private areas where vibrant colour and high visual impact is required for a single flowering season

Blog: Wildflower Turf Ltd. launches revolutionary Enhance Wildflower Biodiversity product range

Wildflower Turf Ltd. has launched Enhance Wildflower Biodiversity, an innovative range of products designed to enhance existing wildflower spaces and meet the growing demands for biodiversity preservation.

Enhance Wildflower Biodiversity provides tailored solutions to address the specific challenges faced by landscape architects, developers and landscape contractors, offering a cost-effective and efficient approach to acquiring Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) Units.

Made with premium seeds, the product range utilises a scientifically designed substrate containing only natural ingredients. This innovative substrate optimises seed…

Species Mix

  • Borage Borago officinalis
  • Corn Camomile Anthemis arvensis
  • Cornflower Centaurea cyanus
  • Corn Marigold Glebionis segetum
  • Dames Violet Hesperis matronalis
  • Fumitory Fumaria officinalis
  • Common Poppy Papaver rhoeas
  • Sweet William Catchfly Silene armeria
  • Yellow Rattle Rhinanthus minor


We have a structured range of prices for both retail and trade enquiries based on the type of product and quantity. Please contact us for a quotation.

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