MeadowSow™ Bespoke

Can't find your perfect seed mix? Ask us about our bespoke service.

Our Bespoke service allow us to cater for a wide range of individual needs including special events such as a poppy installation, sites with specific needs depending on soil type or conditions, or for meeting regulatory requirements including Biodiversity Net Gain.

Key Product Points

  • Customer choice of specific species, subject to availability.
  • Ability to tailor seed mix to meet customer requirements.
  • Ideal for Biodiversity Net Gain targets where specific species are required.
  • Short lead times, subject to availability.

Typical Applications:

  • Any geographical or sensitive region/s requiring native provenance or rare species seed mix.
  • For specific aesthetic appeal in certain areas or designs.
  • To meet regulatory requirements such as BREEAM or Biodiversity Net Gain.
  • Sites with specific requirements such as wet or dry conditions, specific soil types etc.
  • Areas requiring a specific meadow for a special event e.g. Poppy installation for a memorial site.

Blog: Wildflower Turf Ltd. launches revolutionary Enhance Wildflower Biodiversity product range

Wildflower Turf Ltd. has launched Enhance Wildflower Biodiversity, an innovative range of products designed to enhance existing wildflower spaces and meet the growing demands for biodiversity preservation.

Enhance Wildflower Biodiversity provides tailored solutions to address the specific challenges faced by landscape architects, developers and landscape contractors, offering a cost-effective and efficient approach to acquiring Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) Units.

Made with premium seeds, the product range utilises a scientifically designed substrate containing only natural ingredients. This innovative substrate optimises seed…


We have a structured range of prices for both retail and trade enquiries based on the type of product and quantity. Please contact us for a quotation.

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