MeadowSow™ Single Species

Broad range of individual species available. An ideal way to add selected species into either a mix or meadow.

Birds Foot Trefoil

  • Latin name
    Lotus corniculatus
  • Status
    UK native
  • Life Cycle
  • Flowering time
    May – Sept
  • Growth Height
    10 – 50cm
  • Suitable for
    Full sun, frequent cutting, meadow or flowering lawn
  • Benefits
    Important for pollinators; five/six spot burnet and common blue butterfly

Black Medic

  • Latin name
    Medicago lupulina
  • Status
    UK native
  • Life Cycle
  • Flowering time
    April – July
  • Growth Height
    10 – 50cm
  • Suitable for
    Dry, disturbed ground, frequent cutting
  • Benefits
    Good source of nectar for bees

Bladder Campion

  • Latin name
    Silene vulgaris
  • Status
    UK native
  • Life Cycle
  • Flowering time
    May – Sept
  • Growth Height
    60 – 100cm
  • Suitable for
    Dry, alkaline – rough pasture, roadside verges
  • Benefits
    Important for pollinators; long tongued moths, red froghopper


  • Latin name
    Borago officinalis
  • Status
  • Life Cycle
  • Flowering time
    May – Sept
  • Growth Height
    30 – 60cm
  • Suitable for
  • Benefits
    Edible leaves


  • Latin name
    Centaurea nigra
  • Status
    UK native
  • Life Cycle
  • Flowering time
    June – Sept
  • Growth Height
    50 – 100cm
  • Suitable for
    Most soil types expect vey damp or acid sites
  • Benefits
    Imporant for pollinators; bees, flies, butterflies and beetles & wild bird seed

Common Poppy

  • Latin name
    Papaver rhoeas
  • Status
    UK native
  • Life Cycle
  • Flowering time
    June – Aug
  • Growth Height
    50 – 100cm
  • Suitable for
    Sun, typically light & calcareous soils
  • Benefits
    Aesthetic appeal

Common Vetch

  • Latin name
    Vicia sativa ssp. segetalis
  • Status
    UK native
  • Life Cycle
  • Flowering time
    April – Sept
  • Growth Height
    50 – 100cm
  • Suitable for
    Open or disturbed grassland, typically dry and sandy soils
  • Benefits
    Nitrogen fixing legume

Corn Chamomile

  • Latin name
    Anthemis arvensis
  • Status
    UK native
  • Life Cycle
  • Flowering time
    June – Sept
  • Growth Height
    20 – 30cm
  • Suitable for
    Alkaline, full sun
  • Benefits
    Important for pollinators; supply of pollen and nectar to a wide range of insects, typically hoverflies


  • Latin name
    Agrostemma githago
  • Status
    UK native
  • Life Cycle
  • Flowering time
    May – Sept
  • Growth Height
    50 – 100cm
  • Suitable for
    Most soil types, typically well-drained, full sun
  • Benefits
    In decline in the wild


  • Latin name
    Centaurea cyanus
  • Status
    UK native
  • Life Cycle
  • Flowering time
    June – Sept
  • Growth Height
    50 – 100cm
  • Suitable for
    Most soil types, typically well-drained, full sun
  • Benefits
    In decline in the wild

Corn Marigold

  • Latin name
    Glebionis segetum
  • Status
    UK native
  • Life Cycle
  • Flowering time
    June – Oct
  • Growth Height
    10 – 60cm
  • Suitable for
    Mildly Acidic
  • Benefits
    Vunerable / near-threatened

Greater Knapweed

  • Latin name
    Centaurea scabiosa
  • Status
    UK native
  • Life Cycle
  • Flowering time
    July – Sept
  • Growth Height
    30 – 60cm
  • Suitable for
    Grasslands on dry, calcareous soils
  • Benefits
    Food source for a wide range of insects including bees and butterflies

Kidney Vetch

  • Latin name
    Anthyllis vulneraria
  • Status
    UK native
  • Life Cycle
  • Flowering time
    June – Sept
  • Growth Height
    10 – 50cm
  • Suitable for
    Free draining calcareous soils on chalk and limestone grasslands – coastal
  • Benefits
    Food source for beetle, moth larvae, sole food plant for caterpillars of small blue butterfly

Lady's Bedstraw

  • Latin name
    Galium verum
  • Status
    UK native
  • Life Cycle
  • Flowering time
    June – Sept
  • Growth Height
    10 – 50cm
  • Suitable for
    Neutral to calcareous soils
  • Benefits
    Scent of the plant acts as a flea repellant

Meadow Vetchling

  • Latin name
    Lathyrus pratensis
  • Status
    UK native
  • Life Cycle
  • Flowering time
    May – Aug
  • Growth Height
    50 – 100cm
  • Suitable for
    Moderately fertile soils 
  • Benefits
    Nitrogen fixing and important for pollinators

Musk Mallow

  • Latin name
    Malva moschata
  • Status
    UK native
  • Life Cycle
  • Flowering time
    July – Aug
  • Growth Height
    50 – 100cm
  • Suitable for
    Grasslands on well-drained soils
  • Benefits
    Source of essential oil

Oxeye Daisy

  • Latin name
    Leucanthemum vulgare
  • Status
    UK native
  • Life Cycle
  • Flowering time
    May – July
  • Growth Height
    50 – 100cm
  • Suitable for
    Most soil types, typically prefers well-drained areas
  • Benefits
    Important for pollinators; bees, butterflies and hoverflies

Perennial Flax

  • Latin name
    Linum perenne
  • Status
  • Life Cycle
  • Flowering time
    June – July
  • Growth Height
    22 – 45cm
  • Suitable for
    Well-drained soil in full sun
  • Benefits
    Source of nectar for honey bees

Ragged Robin

  • Latin name
    Lychnis flos-cuculi
  • Status
    UK native
  • Life Cycle
  • Flowering time
    June – Aug
  • Growth Height
    50 – 100cm
  • Suitable for
    Damp grassland
  • Benefits
    In decline in the wild

Red Campion

  • Latin name
    Silene dioica
  • Status
    UK native
  • Life Cycle
  • Flowering time
    April – July
  • Growth Height
    50 – 100cm
  • Suitable for
    Typically light shade
  • Benefits
    Important for pollinators; bees, butterflies and hoverflies

Red & White Campion

  • Latin name
    N/A -mix of two species
  • Status
    UK native
  • Life Cycle
  • Flowering time
    April – Sept
  • Growth Height
    50 – 100cm
  • Benefits
    Important for pollinators; bees, butterflies and hoverflies


  • Latin name
    Onobrychis vicifolia
  • Status
    UK native
  • Life Cycle
  • Flowering time
    June – Aug
  • Growth Height
    10 – 50cm
  • Suitable for
    Unimproved chalk grassland
  • Benefits
    Reduces nematode parasitism is ruminants

Salad Burnett

  • Latin name
    Sanguisorba minor
  • Status
  • Life Cycle
  • Flowering time
    June – Aug
  • Growth Height
    50 – 100cm
  • Suitable for
    Dry, chalk or limestone grassland
  • Benefits
    Edible leaves

Self Heal

  • Latin name
    Prunella vulgaris
  • Status
    UK native
  • Life Cycle
  • Flowering time
    May – Sept
  • Growth Height
    10 – 50cm
  • Suitable for
    Most soil types, prefer calcareous soils
  • Benefits
    Tolerant of shade

Tufted Vetch

  • Latin name
    Vicia cracca
  • Status
  • Life Cycle
  • Flowering time
    June – Aug
  • Growth Height
    50 – 100cm
  • Suitable for
  • Benefits
    Nitrogen fixing

Vipers Bugloss

  • Latin name
    Echium vulgare
  • Status
    UK native
  • Life Cycle
  • Flowering time
    June – Aug
  • Growth Height
    50 – 100cm
  • Suitable for
    Free-draining open grassland
  • Benefits
    Drought tolerant, Important for pollinators; long tongued insects

White Campion

  • Latin name
    Silene latifolia
  • Status
    UK native
  • Life Cycle
    Short Lived Perennial
  • Flowering time
    May – Sept
  • Growth Height
    50 – 100cm
  • Suitable for
    Most soil types, typically neutral to alkaline soils
  • Benefits
    Important for pollinators; bees, butterflies and hoverflies

Wild Carrot

  • Latin name
    Daucus carota
  • Status
    UK native
  • Life Cycle
  • Flowering time
    June – Oct
  • Growth Height
    10 – 150cm
  • Suitable for
    Free draining calcareous soils
  • Benefits
    Drought tolerant

Wild Marjoram

  • Latin name
    Origanum vulgare
  • Status
    UK native
  • Life Cycle
  • Flowering time
    June – Aug
  • Growth Height
    50 – 100cm
  • Suitable for
    Dry, infertile calcareous soils
  • Benefits
    Drought tolerant


  • Latin name
    Achillea millefolium
  • Status
    UK native
  • Life Cycle
  • Flowering time
    June – Aug
  • Growth Height
    10 – 50cm
  • Suitable for
  • Benefits
    Important for birds and insects

Yellow Rattle

  • Latin name
    Rhinanthus minor
  • Status
    UK native
  • Life Cycle
  • Flowering time
    May – July
  • Growth Height
    25 – 50cm
  • Suitable for
    Moderate to low fertility grasslands
  • Benefits
    Parasitises roots of meadow species, particularly grasses/legumes

Blog: Wildflower Turf Ltd. launches revolutionary Enhance Wildflower Biodiversity product range

Wildflower Turf Ltd. has launched Enhance Wildflower Biodiversity, an innovative range of products designed to enhance existing wildflower spaces and meet the growing demands for biodiversity preservation.

Enhance Wildflower Biodiversity provides tailored solutions to address the specific challenges faced by landscape architects, developers and landscape contractors, offering a cost-effective and efficient approach to acquiring Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) Units.

Made with premium seeds, the product range utilises a scientifically designed substrate containing only natural ingredients. This innovative substrate optimises seed…


We have a structured range of prices for both retail and trade enquiries based on the type of product and quantity. Please contact us for a quotation.

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